GoTranslate - how it works?

Translate Your business

Translate Your business

Go Translate - how it works?

GoTranslate a simple way to create a new language version of your website or application with good translation quality, phenomenal speed, you can see your site demo in minutes in almost any language.

Simple and intuitive ability to edit the text content of a website or application. GoTranslate brings your business to the world literally.

GoTranslate - diagram


Don't need to maintain translations

Don't need to maintain translations

Don't need to maintain content

Don't need to maintain content

Supports plurals

Supports plurals

Easy integrationon CI/CD

Easy integrationon CI/CD

Supports many formats (JSON, XML, PHP, etc)

Supports many formats (JSON, XML, PHP, etc)

100+ languagesin one click

100+ languagesin one click

Content and translations are not managed by developers - cost saving

Content and translations are not managed by developers - cost savings

Professional translators can be invited to the system for translations verification

Professional translators can be invited to the system for translations verification

Easy deployment

Easy deployment to test and production environment

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